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An Experienced, Conservative Leader

Protect Parental Rights, School Choice,
& Charter Schools
Below is my speech given before the El Paso County Board of County Commissioners on May 14th, 2024, for National Charter School Week. Parental Rights, School Choice, and Charter Schools are under attack by the legislature. We can't get complacent.
Special Announcement
Please watch the video below for my announcement and candidacy for Colorado's House District 20.

Thank You for our Primary Victory. On to November!
House District 20,
From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you. I appreciate every single vote a House District 20 resident cast for our campaign on June 25th. For those who didn’t vote for our campaign, I hope to earn your respect, trust, and support over the next few months. We have to come together if we are going to change things in Colorado and start turning them around.
For the last 7 months, we’ve walked thousands of doors and talked to thousands of HD20 residents. There’s a common theme. People feel like they are drowning, and instead of a helping hand of relief from the state government, they’ve got a boot on their head pushing them down further and further.
We are taxed, fee’d, and regulated to death. While the Governor promised we’d be a top 10 safe state, we’re now the nation's #3 “unsafest” state. We have a sanctuary policy that’s taking 10’s of millions of our tax dollars away from the things we intended them for. While parents love having school choice for their children, some legislators want that choice to be stripped away. Our TABOR refunds are being diverted to pay for legislative “pet projects” instead of returning it to the people it is owed to. While we have record-high crime, it’s the law-abiding gun owners being demonized, and our Second Amendment rights restricted while the criminals get a slap on the hand. And while we agree Life is precious and should be protected, Colorado has now become the #1 state for “abortion tourism.”
We can turn things around, but it starts right now. We all know the disaster Joe Biden and Colorado’s one-party rule have been. Based on what I see going on around Colorado and the country, I feel the momentum is with conservatives and 2024 will be a great year for traditional American values making a comeback. But, it’s not guaranteed. We have to help candidates in any way we can. While I have my own campaign to focus on, I’ve still pledged to help other Republicans in their races as well. It will take all of us working together to flip seats and restore balance in our state. We can do it.
Colorado is at a Crossroads.
What we do now will determine whether we continue down the path of self-destruction or save it for future generations.